We have several different plans available,sinse all puppy's and dog's are different.But the basic plan runs about $200.00 dollars a week plus bird's again depending on the dog I'm working I use either pheasants,chucker's or bobwhite quail. It's best to call and describe your dog and in some cases bring out dog and show what your having problems with,maybe just work with you both. I own three labs and four german shorthair pointer's.
Red Stag Hunt Club Gundog Training , Puppys and Started Dogs for sale
Tony T. Lowe
32670 224th st. Henderson,Minnesota,56044
(952) 873-0909 Cell phone(612) 644-6355 Email tonysenterprises@yahoo.com
Have puppy's, started young dog's and finished dogs for sale, from time to time. Call tell me what your looking for and I will help you out If I can..
Booking orders for Labrador retriever pups
Out of my Minnesota River Pearl ,black ,female, breeding date Jan, Pups well be 1000.00 each, male or female, they won't last long, If your interested give me a call,$300.00 will hold your booking, none refundable, This should be a great cross
Minnesota River Hondo:
Born 6/20/14 ,White& Liver,Patched & Ticked,AKC Reg. Stud Fee Price $1000.00 at time of breeding ,booking fee $100.00, return breeding if female doesn't take. Hondo is out of my Rooster dog and Patches female
Introducing at Stud
Minnesota River Roy private treaty only at this time